Tudalen 4 o 10

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 1:21 pm
gan Dielw
50 hyd yn hyn. Gobeithio bod o'n cal effaith!

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 1:23 pm
gan Gwahanglwyf Dros Grist
Fi wedi sgwennu cerdd (ahem! :? ) er mwyn osgoi cael nhw'n torri lawr ar y geiriau yn y neges...

Why, oh why do you
Exemplify such ignorance when
Listening to your customers
Surely would bring you profit not
Hurtful messages

Since your stated aim is to
Enable people to participate more fully in society
Reason tells us you would
Vociferously welcome the
Inclusion of our business
Cymry Cymraeg as we call ourselves, who call for a little
Effort to support the language we choose to
Speak from day to day

Never fear Orange
Ours is the right
We are ready to fight!

(darllenwch lawr yr ochr. Mae'n crap ond mae e bant top fy mhen! :wps: )

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 1:33 pm
gan Dielw
:lol: :?

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 1:33 pm
gan Barbarella
Oes rhywun wedi cael ateb ganddyn nhw eto?

Dwi heb -- dim ond negeseuon otomatig yn dweud fyddan nhw'n ymateb "shortly"


PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 1:40 pm
gan Gwahanglwyf Dros Grist
Dielw a ddywedodd::lol: :?

More than just a pretty face, see? :lol:

Heb gael ymateb swyddogol ganddyn nhw, ond falle na fydda' i ar ôl fy neges feddw atyn nhw'r noson o'r blaen yn eu galw nhw'n WASPs. :?

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 1:45 pm
gan Dielw
:lol: Tybed os di hyn yn cael effaith?

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 1:50 pm
gan Clarice
Gwahanglwyf Dros Grist a ddywedodd:Fi wedi sgwennu cerdd (ahem! :? ) er mwyn osgoi cael nhw'n torri lawr ar y geiriau yn y neges...

Wy'n cynnig dy fod ti'n cael y teitl swyddogol "Prifardd y Maes"...
Erbyn meddwl, falle bod e ddim yn beth da i hybu gormod o'r math yma o beth :winc:

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 2:01 pm
gan Gwahanglwyf Dros Grist
Penderfynais fynd am arddull rhydd er mwyn adlewyrchu fy hunaniaeth annibynnol. Mae'r mesurau caeth 'ma mor 'passe'... :winc:

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 2:02 pm
gan Jeni Wine
Newydd gal un fel hyn:

Oren a ddywedodd:Dear Customer

Thank you for your mail.

I can confirm that as a company whose mission includes a commitment to being
first for customer service, Orange is constantly reviewing the options available
to its customers.

Orange has implemented a review of its signage and other in-store
materials with the intention of providing information in both Welsh and English.
Our shops in Wales have already begun to display signage in Welsh.

I trust this information is of assistance.

Kind regards

Orange Customer Services

di dy air di ddim digon da washi...

PostioPostiwyd: Gwe 28 Mai 2004 2:39 pm
gan Cwlcymro
Michele o Orange a ddywedodd:Dear Guto

Thank you for your mail.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to mail us with your comments
regarding the online services from Orange.

It is through feedback such as this, that we are able to review and update our
products, services and procedures.

As a company whose mission includes a commitment to being first for
customer service, Orange is constantly reviewing the options available
to its customers.

Orange has implemented a review of its signage and other in-store
materials with the intention of providing information in both Welsh and
English. Our shops in Wales have already begun to display signage
in Welsh.

Kind regards

Orange Customer Services